The site was still down as of last night, and this morning I contacted the rental server’s support team to let them know that I had not been able to solve the problem and asked for assistance. While waiting for their response, I downloaded new free FTP software onto my laptop and resumed the recovery process. However, my laptop’s storage capacity was insufficient, which made it challenging to proceed as I had hoped. I have experienced this issue before, and I am feeling tired due to a lack of sleep in recent days.

As the download work continued on my laptop, I began working on a new copperplate (12x9cm) using the mezzotint technique. I find great joy and relaxation in working with my hands and immersing myself in the art-making process.

When working on a copperplate with mezzotint, I use two tools: a round metal burnisher made in America, and an agate tool called “agata” that I purchased at an art supply store in Florence. It may be difficult to acquire this tool in Japan. With the “agata,” I can create a soft shading effect, although it cannot produce the same depth as the burnisher. Holding this tool reminds me of my time in Florence, including the art supply store where I found it, the nearby cathedral, the old library, the delicious sandwich shop, and the lively and dignified Italian shop clerk. These memories appear in my mind and then fade away. I wonder when I will be able to visit Italy again.